full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Hans Rosling: Religions and babies

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So what will happen now is what we call "the big fill-up." You can see that it's like three bioliln minssig here. They are not missing because they've died; they were never born. Because before 1980, there were much fewer people born than there were during the last 30 years. So what will happen now is quite straightforward. The old, sadly, we will die. The rest of you, you will grow older and you will get two billion children. Then the old will die. The rest will grow older and get two billion children. And then again the old will die and you will get two billion children.

Open Cloze

So what will happen now is what we call "the big fill-up." You can see that it's like three _______ _______ here. They are not missing because they've died; they were never born. Because before 1980, there were much fewer people born than there were during the last 30 years. So what will happen now is quite straightforward. The old, sadly, we will die. The rest of you, you will grow older and you will get two billion children. Then the old will die. The rest will grow older and get two billion children. And then again the old will die and you will get two billion children.


  1. missing
  2. billion

Original Text

So what will happen now is what we call "the big fill-up." You can see that it's like three billion missing here. They are not missing because they've died; they were never born. Because before 1980, there were much fewer people born than there were during the last 30 years. So what will happen now is quite straightforward. The old, sadly, we will die. The rest of you, you will grow older and you will get two billion children. Then the old will die. The rest will grow older and get two billion children. And then again the old will die and you will get two billion children.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
billion children 6
majority religion 3
population growth 3
family planning 3
world population 2
christian majority 2
christian countries 2
majority countries 2
amazing development 2
united states 2
major difference 2
fast population 2
reached peak 2
peak child 2
stop growing 2
grow older 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
fast population growth 2
reached peak child 2

Important Words

  1. big
  2. billion
  3. born
  4. call
  5. children
  6. die
  7. grow
  8. happen
  9. missing
  10. older
  11. people
  12. rest
  13. sadly
  14. straightforward
  15. years